ДомойЭкономикаУкраинцы начали получать на карточку "тысячу Зеленского"

Украинцы начали получать на карточку «тысячу Зеленского»

Ukrainians have started receiving 1,000 hryvnias as part of the «Winter eSupport» program. This was announced by Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technology — Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov on December 11 via Telegram.

This program was launched by the Ukrainian government to support its citizens during the cold winter months, which often bring increased financial burdens due to higher heating costs. The program aims to provide financial assistance to low-income families, single parents, and individuals with disabilities who may struggle to cover their basic needs during the winter.

The Winter eSupport program will distribute a one-time payment of 1,000 hryvnias ($35) to eligible recipients. According to Fedorov, this amount is calculated based on the cost of heating a 60-square-meter apartment for one month, and the payment is intended to cover at least a portion of the heating expenses for the winter.

To qualify for the program, individuals must meet certain criteria, such as being a citizen of Ukraine, having a monthly income below the minimum wage (5,000 hryvnias), and not receiving other forms of social assistance. The selection process will be carried out by the State Social Service and will prioritize families with children, individuals with disabilities, and those living in socially vulnerable areas.

The program is expected to benefit over 2 million Ukrainian citizens, and the total budget for the Winter eSupport program is 2.18 billion hryvnias ($77 million). This initiative is part of the government’s broader efforts to reduce poverty and improve the well-being of its citizens, especially during these challenging times.

The Winter eSupport program is also aligned with the goals of Ukraine’s digital transformation strategy, which aims to leverage technology to improve the lives of its citizens. Fedorov highlighted that the payments will be made through the Diya app, which is the government’s digital platform for providing various services to citizens.

Reactions to the program have been mostly positive, with many Ukrainians expressing gratitude for the financial assistance during the winter season. Some have also praised the government for implementing a digital solution to distribute the payments, which will ensure transparency and efficiency.

The Winter eSupport program has also received recognition from international organizations. The World Bank has commended Ukraine for its swift response to the economic impact of the pandemic and the implementation of social protection measures such as the Winter eSupport program.

In conclusion, the Winter eSupport program is a crucial initiative by the Ukrainian government to support its citizens during the winter season and alleviate financial burdens for vulnerable families and individuals. This program not only provides much-needed financial assistance but also showcases the government’s commitment to leveraging technology for the benefit of its citizens. As Ukraine continues its digital transformation journey, it is expected that more innovative solutions like this will be implemented to improve the standard of living for its citizens.

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